Monday, October 31, 2016

'Ello, 'ello: Happy Halloween!

"Two Assassins. Equal in height. One female, one male. Two decades old, and those devilish smiles..." --Assassin's Creed Syndicate

'Ello, 'ello, and Happy Halloween to one and all! I hope you're all enjoying this last day of October. My boyfriend and I decided we'd celebrate Halloween by dressing up as some beloved video game characters. 

When we're not wandering through bookstores, we're running around the streets of Victorian Era England in Assassin's Creed Syndicate. With gangs and other corrupt villains ruling the boroughs, it's up to us to rally the underworld and free London of evil, changing the course of modern history forever.  

(Thankfully, there's still enough time in between assassination missions to meet influential figures such as Charles Dickens, Florence Nightengale, and even Queen Victoria herself. Tea, anyone?)

Okay, obviously this isn't possible in real life. So what better way to feel like Victorian Assassins than dressing up as the main protagonists, Evie and Jacob Frye? Now, if you'll excuse me, I much fetch my cane sword. Somebody just asked if we were going to hunt vampires...

If you're interested in taking on Industrial London, leaping off the roof of Big Ben, and getting an interactive history lesson all in one shot, you can find it here: Assassin's Creed Syndicate


  1. Clever girl. I'll take my tea with cream, please.

  2. Love your costumes! Hope you get lots of opportunities to wear them :)

  3. Wield that pen-sword, Bronwyn!
    Mrs. Drennen

  4. Enjoyed the costume pics Bron, and your assessment of the game. Watched someone's video walkthrough of the Ripper DLC and was less than impressed, but the base game was neat.

    1. Thanks, Zach. I was hoping the Ripper DLC would be as good as the base game. Maybe if it goes on sale, then.
